Each participating artist will perform at BPPF 2022 on both Friday and Saturday nights. Each performance is inextricably linked to a projection on the dome, and the evening itself will be a continuous set of projections and performances. Only before and after will the performances be briefly framed. For the projections themselves, the artist will be in direct contact with the planetarium technician.
In addition to the performances on Friday and Saturday evening, we also provide a fringe program with the present artists throughout Brussels. The evening prior to the Planetarium screening, an Open Mic will take place in collaboration with Speakeasy.
Sunday morning we will start with a breakfast reading at Replica Bookshop in Molenbeek. If the weather is nice this will take place outside on the terrace. More information:
This year’s invited artists are:

Across all language borders, this first performance in Belgium follows new single releases and award-winning poetry-music films.

After winning the Miquel Martí i Pol Prize in 2000, coming second to the Grandalla Prize, and publishing her collection Com mesos de juny (As months of June), she has continued to publish poetry.
In 2010, her work 32 Vidres, muntatge poètico-teatral (32 Pieces of Glass: A Poetic-Theatrical Performance) premiered. In 2009 she received the FNAC Talent award and was artistic director of the international poetry festival “Barcelona Poesia”. Her first fictional work, the short story collection La senyoreta Keaton i altres bèsties (Miss Keaton and other beasts), winner of the 2016 Maria Àngels Anglada Prize, was described by The Guardian as “Tim Burton crossed with the Brothers Grimm”.
(c) photo: Carles Mercader

Loeke is verbonden aan het Letterzettercollectief en Hiphop Academie De Stroate (beide in Kortrijk). Ze studeerde vergelijkende moderne literatuur aan de Universiteit Gent en daarna autonome vormgeving aan het KASK Gent.

Lebogang Mashile is one of South Africa’s leading poetry performers. Her publications and performances have had a decisive impact on the world of young female poetry.
Mashile uses a very powerful poetic language characterized by extraordinary musicality. In 2003, together with other South African poets, she founded the Feela Sistah! Spoken Word Collective. In 2004 she was nominated for the DaimlerChrysler South Africa Poetry Award and in 2006 she was awarded the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa.
She made her debut as an actor in Terry George’s film Hotel Rwanda. In addition, she is the producer and presenter of a documentary serial, which presents the daily lives of South African women.

(c) photo: Maria Prasko Jennings

Their song Heelal and its accompanying clip was an immediate hit with the programmers of BPPF.

An artist who is very sensitive to Dadaism and its multiple facets. In 2020, he was selected to participate in the sculpture competition “Prix Louis Schmidt”. He has also illustrated several collections of poetry and will now, as one of our Open Call winners, create a projection for one of our participating artists. Who? Find out at the festival!

In her songs Lonsin explores how to be vulnerable in this loud world using electronic music and “noise” from Brussels to give her vulnerability some foundation.
This year we are working around the theme “word in space”. The artists will be asked to focus their work around this theme and the technician will also return to it in the projections.
In this way, the word (the language, the poetry) is materialized, not only in an oral tradition, but also in a written tradition. The word, like light, as a beginning of creation as we, Westerners, have received it from our monotheistic worldview and that in contrast to other worldviews. The words fill the space as sound waves, as imagery, as an immersive experience. The planetarium becomes, as it were, a canvas, a sound box, an immersive space where the audience really experiences poetry in all its aspects.